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Install and setup Simple Voice Chat

  1. Log into our game panel and open your server.
  2. Upload the Simple Voice Chat jar file to your server. You can do this either via SFTP or the panel's web file browser.
    • Forge: Find the Jar for your Minecraft version on this page and upload it to the mods folder.
    • Fabric: Find the Jar for your Minecraft version on this page and upload it to the mods folder.
    • Paper: Find the Jar for your Minecraft version on this page and upload it to the plugins folder.
  3. Restart your server so that the required configs are generated.
  4. Open the Simple Voice Chat config file and look for the line with port. Set the port to -1.
    • Forge: The config file is /YOUR_WORLD_NAME/serverconfig/voicechat-server.toml. (e.g. /world/serverconfig/voicechat-server.toml)
    • Fabric: The config file is /config/voicechat/voicechat-server.properties.
    • Paper: The config file is /plugins/voicechat/voicechat-server.properties.
  5. Save the file and restart your server.

Note: Each client must also have Simple Voice Chat installed!

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