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HomepageKnowledge BaseGame ServersMinecraftInstall and Setup Dynmap

Install and Setup Dynmap

  1. Open a Support Ticket and request an additional port for your server.
  2. Wait until you have your additional port assigned. You can find all your servers port in the panels Network tab:
  3. Install Dynmap.
    You can either do this via the panels plugin manager (recommended) or by manually uploading the jar file to your plugins folder.
  4. Restart your server.
  5. Open the Dynmap config file. (/plugins/dynmap/configuration.txt)
    You can either do this via SFTP or the panels web file browser.
  6. Find the webserver-port line (around Line 334) and change it to the requested port.
  7. Save the file and restart your server.
  8. Now you can access your Dynmap via http://:, e.g.

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